Many tournaments run at local clubs and centres are grade 4 rankings
competitions. They are suitable for beginner and intermediate players and
generally take place over a period of 1-7 days. Rankings points are earned
according to the number of rounds won in an event and the number of points for
winning successive rounds in a grade 4 competition is higher than a grade 5
event. There are also many grade 4 one-day competitions which generally use an
abbreviated scoring format and offer each player a minimum of 2-3 matches.
Many multi-day grade 4 competitions include several age categories. Some
tournaments also hold doubles events too. The application (and cancellation)
deadline for most grade 4 competitions tends to be 7-14 days before the
starting date.
Matches in grade 4 competitions also count for LTA RATINGS purposes too.
Click here
to visit the Featured Competitions section of our website and look out for
tournaments with the Grade 4 logo. For one-day grade 4 events, click here to
visit The TennisUK One-Day Event Programme.